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+1(718) 672-9310

Harmonize Your Health

Transforming Lives Through Comprehensive Medical Excellence

Welcome to Dr. Farzana Matin's official website – your exclusive portal to a singular healthcare experience. Explore the forefront of medical excellence tailored just for you.
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Revitalize Your Life: Where Health Meets Happiness.

Experience the warmth of compassionate care and personalized medical expertise with Dr. Farzana Matin. From nurturing well-being to advancing health journeys, we are dedicated to your unique path to vitality and fulfillment.

Embrace the journey to well-being, for in the tapestry of your health, every thread is woven with care. Together, let's navigate towards a future of vitality and fulfillment.

Dr. Farzana Matin

Our Services

Transforming Lives, One Health Journey at a Time.

Embarking on transformative journeys, one health story at a time. Witness the power of change as we guide you through a path to lasting well-being.

Internal Medicine Services

Experience thorough and personalized care with our Internal Medicine services. From comprehensive annual check-ups and chronic disease management to preventive care and nutritional counseling, we prioritize your overall well-being. Trust us to diagnose and treat various medical conditions, ensuring you receive the best in healthcare.

Geriatric Medicine Services

Elevate the quality of life for our elderly patients with our Geriatric Medicine services. Our team conducts comprehensive geriatric assessments, addresses fall risks, and evaluates memory and cognitive functions. We specialize in managing polypharmacy, offer end-of-life care planning, and promote mobility and independence, fostering a tailored approach to senior healthcare.

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Why Choose us

Choosing Dr. Farzana Matin: Your Path to Exceptional Healthcare

Choose Dr. Farzana Matin for expert, personalized care. Your well-being, our priority.

Integrated Personalization

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Medical Innovation

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Comprehensive Attention

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Health Transformation

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Get an Appointment

Transforming Lives Through Comprehensive Medical Excellence

Embark on a journey of transformative care with Dr. Farzana Matin. Experience the impact of Comprehensive Medical Excellence in every aspect of your well-being. Your path to a healthier, empowered life begins here. Schedule an appointment today and take the first step towards transforming your life.

Let's Talk

Phone : +1(718) 672-9310
Email: farzanamatinmdpc@gmail.com

Office Hours

Monday - Friday : 12.00 PM -05.00 PM
Sunday : Close

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